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Advanced Usage

These are features that aren't currently provided by pipenv but hope they will be in the future.

To enable advanced mode simply provide a dict of options.

Pipfile Path

To change the path in advanced mode simply set the path key.

path = "src/Pipfile"
setup(use_pipfile={'path': 'src/Pipfile'})

Environment Variable Interpolation

If this pipenv feature is required for some reason it can reenabled by setting the interpolate key.

interpolate = true
setup(use_pipfile={'interpolate': True})

Note that if interpolation is enabled all index urls will have their basic auth credentials stripped to prevent them from being populated into package metadata.

To disable the population of custom index dependency links simply set the indexes key.

indexes = false
setup(use_pipfile={'indexes': False})

To hard set these as a direct urls in install_requires and tests_require against the pep440 advice set to True.

indexes = true
setup(use_pipfile={'indexes': True})

Populate Python Requires

Pipfile currently locks to a specific minor version. This is copied to Pipfile.lock. A better behaviour would be to allow defining a range of permissible versions. Then upon running pipenv install a concreate version is locked into Pipfile.lock.

To enable this in the future set the pythons key to True.

pythons = true
setup(use_pipfile={'pythons': True})

Alternative Formatting

To change the key to lookup set the pythons key to an alternate format string.

pythons = "{0[requires][python_versions]}"
setup(use_pipfile={'pythons': '{0[requires][python_versions]}'})

Populate Extras

This is currently not supported by Pipfile but if it does it will likely be supported in one of three ways.

Style One

The first and more likely style looks like so:

PySocks = {version = ">=1.5.6, !1.5.7"}
win_inet_pton = {sys_platform = "win32", python_version = "2.7"}

To use the default setup for style one:

extras = true
# or
extras = 1
# or
setuptools-pipfile = 1
setup(use_pipfile={'extras': True})
# or
setup(use_pipfile={'extras': 1})
# or

Rename Table

To change the prefix for the table to something like [option.socks] use:

extras.table = "option"
setup(use_pipfile={'extras': {'table': 'option'}})
name = "socks"

PySocks = {version = ">=1.5.6, !1.5.7"}
win_inet_pton = {sys_platform = "win32", python_version = "2.7"}

Style Two

The second style is based on poetry syntax.

name = "socks"

PySocks = {version = ">=1.5.6, !1.5.7"}
win_inet_pton = {sys_platform = "win32", python_version = "2.7"}

To use the default setup for style two:

extras = 2
# or
setuptools-pipfile = 2
setup(use_pipfile={'extras': {'style': 2}})
# or
setup(use_pipfile={'extras': 2})
# or

Rename Table

Like style one use the table field to change the table prefix.

[tool.setuptools-pipfile] = 2
extras.table = option
setup(use_pipfile={'extras': {'style': 2, 'table': 'option'}})
name = "socks"

PySocks = {version = ">=1.5.6, !1.5.7"}
win_inet_pton = {sys_platform = "win32", python_version = "2.7"}

Rename Subtable

Use the subtable field to change the suffix used to describe the packages.

[tool.setuptools-pipfile] = 2
extra.subtable = "requires"
setup(use_pipfile={'extras': {'style': 2, 'subtable': 'requires'}})
name = "socks"

PySocks = {version = ">=1.5.6, !1.5.7"}
win_inet_pton = {sys_platform = "win32", python_version = "2.7"}

Change naming key

Finally to change the key used to identify the extra group use:

[tool.setuptools-pipfile] = 2
extras.key = "title"
setup(use_pipfile={'extras': {'style': 2, 'key': 'title'}})
title = "socks"

Complete example

To change the packaging suffix to something like [extras.require] with a naming key of group use:

[tool.setuptools-pipfile] = 2
extras.key = "group"
extras.table = "extras"
extras.subtable = "require"
setup(use_pipfile={'extras': {'style': 2, 'table': 'extras', 'subtable': 'require'}})
group = "socks"

PySocks = {version = ">=1.5.6, !1.5.7"}
win_inet_pton = {sys_platform = "win32", python_version = "2.7"}

Style Three

The third style is based on the Pipfile dev-packages implementation.

PySocks = {version = ">=1.5.6, !1.5.7"}
win_inet_pton = {sys_platform = "win32", python_version = "2.7"}

To use style three:

[tool.setuptools-pipfile] = 3
# or
setuptools-pipfile = 3
setup(use_pipfile={'extras': {'style': 3}})
# or
setup(use_pipfile={'extras': 3})
# or

This last varient is the quickest way to make the dev packages installable. This could be useful for testing frameworks such as tox. Simply specify your dependencies to be .[dev] or package install extras to dev.